Linear B Unicode Keyboard Layout for Mac OSX
Keyboard layout
This keyboard layout allows input of Unicode Linear B characters by typing the letters each syllable is composed of. It works in exactly the same way as the Mac OSX input method for Japanese Kana.

1) so-called homophones: symbols for such series as "ra"-"ra2"-"ra3", "ro"-"ro2", "ta"-"ta2", "pu"-"pu2" can be obtained by typing the letters and the number ("1" for the first syllable of each series, which is usually transcribed without any number)
As for the "a"-"a2"-"a3"-"au" series, the symbol for "a" (N. 08) can be obtained by typing "a1"; "a2", which corresponds to α with rough breathing, by typing "ha"; "a3" by typing "ai", and "au" ("a4") by typing "au".

2) The spacebar would input the dividing symbol as found on the tablets. In order to input a blank space, press Shift+Spacebar.

3) Numbers. Keys 1-9 will input the symbols for the units. Shift+1-9 works  for the tens. Option+1-9 will input the hundreds. Shift+Option+1-9 will input the thousands. 1-9 with Caps Lock on will input the ten thousands.

4) Undeciphered syllabograms can be input by typing * followed by their numeric code, exactly as in the transcriptions.

5) Symbols for measures can be input by typing the letter they are identified by in transcriptions (S, L, V, Q and so on) with Caps Lock on.

I hope my work will prove useful to fellow scholars.
Aegean (Unicode Linear B font) (external link)
About me
Name: Alessandro Vatri

Exeter College, Oxford

Last updated: 14 Sep 2009